The producer

Sat Agrollanos



The idea of creating SAT AGROLLANOS emerged as the market began to demand a product already finished and more affordable, which is why the partners created a company covering those needs, by taking the motto «from field to fork»:

We harvest

We collect

We make

  • Complemented by Naturllanos2020 cutting intermediary costs and shortening the chain..
  • As producers we can adapt to the needs of each client. at any given moment in real time.

We harvest

The campaign from June to October

The campaign covers from the beginning of June until the end of October; throughout the year, we are dedicated to preparing our lands.

We perform periodic analyzes to know first-hand the type of fertilizer to be used. The basis of our fertilizer is the organic (manure), which helps us to develop the plant.

In addition to this, we use the natural breeding system, such as pollination with bees and traps for insects. We use field notebooks for each plantation, allowing us to control the fertilizers, irrigation, phytosanitary applications, and so on.

We collect

Cutting and harvesting

Our team is composed of workers with experience in cutting, presenting the products in its ideal state for consumption.

Performed in “box” avoiding any damage.

We make

Full traceability control

The product handling is crucial for us, leading us to hire qualified staff for each packaging line, training them regularly so that we can get the quality which this firm holds.

We have a total control over any product we make,performing a complete traceability, distinguishing the batch, date of collection and date of packaging.

Our facilities have a packaging assemblage allowing us to avoid unnecessary costs.

Certificate of


Logo Global Gap

GGN: 4052852524377

We have a Global Gap certificate both in our fields and in our warehouse, in addition to exhaustive quality control in the packaging process.